This is just a short summary of the features; please refer to the full Commander's Log feature reference for a complete description with images and explaination.
Commander's Log
The Commander’s Log is a useful set of tools every Commander should be making use of.
- With the travel assistant, never miss the details of a system scan ever again!
- Screen shots of your favourite locations are automatically converted to PNG, and a note added to the bookmark system so you can find all your screen shots at a later date.
- Easy reference of the signal sources in the system
- Enter specific points of interest (latitude/longitude) and have the system guide you to your location.
- Examine your personal database of explored worlds and systems.
- Import your historical logs, so you never miss a thing. Discover unique worlds you previously didn't know existed!
Travel Assistant
The travel assistant is a comprehensive set of hooks and rules designed to capture the names of bodies in the Elite universe where strange and interesting stellar peculiarities exist. On every FSD jump or system scan, the bodies are examined to see if anything of interest should be reported so that further investigation can be carried out.
Highlights the following to the Cmdr- Systems containing 5 or more of the materials needed for FSD jumps (jumponium)
- Landable planets with a terraform state
- Landable planets with an atmosphere (Odyssey ready!)
- Landable planets with rings (makes for great photos!)
- Landable high gravity planets
- Landable large planets
- Planets with wide rings
- Planets in close orbit
- Planets with moons in the rings
- Moons with moons (nested)
- Really small bodies
- Bodies with fast rotation
- Bodies with fast orbits
- Bodies with high eccentricity
- Bodies with volcanism
- Stars - close binary pairs
- Stars - colliding
- Stars with rings
- Systems where a codex discovery was made
- Ringed bodies with hotspots / geological POIs
Convert Screenshots
The Convert/rename screenshots option activates the feature to convert bitmap images to png
images in the folder Elite uses to capture images. Additionally, the file is renamed to something
more useful which includes the date/time, system and body name.
A book mark is added to your Commander notes (live view) so you can easily locate them in the future.
Live View

Live view is linked to the current system in Elite and shows any notes you have recorded for this system. You can bookmark this system for your easy reference at a later date.
When a commander jumps to a new system, the Commander’s log module will analyse the results of
a DSS scan and report back any features of interest which are categorised and stored in a local
database for later analysis.
A setting can be tweaked so that the database automatically runs a search against the system and displays a summary line showing if this system has known hazardous resource extraction sites, compomised navigation beacons or hot spots.
Additional Features
Configure a UI to enable/disable settings/persist settings.
Display of the signal sources in the system.
Exploring the Commander's Database
The database contains a rich set of information which can be searched.

The Commander can:
- Look for any of the “items of interest” features (nested moons, colliding binaries, etc)
- Look for codex entries
- Search in the scan events for Stars, planets and rings of interest (radius, atmosphere composition, etc)
- Search for rings with hotspots / geological POIs
- Search EDSM for nearby systems with pristine metallic rings
Mining Assistant - Searching for Pristine Metallic Ringed systems nearby
When laser mining, in particular, it’s often best to locate a pristine system with metallic ring because selling Panite is very profitable.
To help locate suitable systems, use the Search EDSM – Pristine Rings section to set up what Reserve level and RingClass you’re interested in. Selecting the Filter RingClass limits the results to only the chosen class, otherwise all types of ring are returned (Icy, Rocky, Metal Rich and Metallic).

Use the search radius to increase or decrease the number of systems searched relative to the current system. EDSM is used as the source of data because it’s most likely that your local explorer database won’t contain the information on the surrounding systems.
Database Tasks
Database tasks tab allows the commander to clear out the portion of the database relating to journal scan events. This is useful so that a re-read/refresh of the journal logs can be performed. This is a safe operation and bookmarks, system notes are not affected.

Import Elite Dangerous Journal Logs
This option populates a local database with all the codex and scan events found in the journal logs.
There is a wealth of information contained in these logs and some of it is very useful to collect – ie for mission route optimisation.
Commander Log Settings

The Commander can also tweak the settings of the module so that he can define what an “interesting” item means.
Capture the journal entries as they are written by Elite.
Optionally runs a database query to show a summary of the new system you are about to jump to and switch to the Explore Database whilst the jump is in progress.
Another option switches to and activates the Live view tab so that signal sources can be seen, as well as the results of the scan analysis looking for “interesting” items.
POI / Navigation Heading Assistant
The commander’s log features a navigation tab where longitude and latitude values can be set for a specific point of interest. The system will automatically calculate a heading when approaching the target body (planet)

Additionally, the heading text can be displayed as an overlay on top of Elite via an invisible window that you can place in your desired location.